Despite living in a multicultural, multi-racial, and multi-ethnic society such as Canada, many have experienced being othered, stereotyped, racialized or discriminated against based on their racial identity. These experiences result in feelings of inferiority, shame, and confusion. Therapy can assist by creating a supportive, safe and compassionate environment that acknowledges and validates your experiences.
In your counselling sessions, you will be able to speak openly about your lived experience without judgment or preconceived notions. Additionally, you will be able to process, cope with and learn skills to address both covert and overt acts of racism such as micro-aggressions, micro-insults and microinvalidations. Moreover, as a trauma-informed and social justice-oriented counselling practice, we aim to help you rebuild racial pride, and garner self-compassion and self-acceptance.
We hope that from the emotional and psychological turmoil of having to encounter racism and system oppression, you will be able to engage in healing, strengthen your sense of self and build resilience. Most importantly, that you will become you own best advocate.
Systemic Oppression & Racism counselling in Greater Vancouver, BC
Interested in learning more? Book a complimentary 15-minute initial consultation with one of our therapists.
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